As things are slowing down here, I feel like I have little to report. Foster is doing great with his oral feedings, but we've heard it could be anywhere from 1 week to 3 weeks before he consistently takes all 8 feedings orally. The doctor reminded us last night that even though Foster has made fast progress, he is still only 34 weeks old. This week I'm really struggling with whether or not to continue working. It keeps me busy and from obsessing about him coming home, but it's also very hard to focus. Now that he is bottle feeding, I wish I could visit more. If I stopped working now, I could at least be there for more of the feedings, but if he is in for another 2-3 weeks, it could get frustrating. I have 10 weeks left of my FMLA, and I know I'll want as much time as possible at home with him before I have to return to work in September. We'll see how he does today I guess!
Weight: 5lbs 9.5 ounces.
Picture: Mimi with sleepy Foster
Liz and Chris, he is adorable, and how quickly he is filling out! I admire you for being able to work at all through these amazing times. xx Lucy