It's been a great day with Foster home. We still feel clueless, but it's fun having him all to ourselves. It's so much easier to change a diaper without 6 cords attached to his body and feet!!! He hasn't stuck to the strict schedule of the NICU (eat every 3 hours) but he has mostly slept and ate all day. It's more of a challenge not having a scale to weigh him on before and after nursing, but if he still seems hungry after nursing, we offer the bottle. Trial and error at this point, no more nurses to guide us. We won't know if he's gaining weight appropriately until his first Dr's appointment on the 30th.
The cats seem indifferent to Foster's arrival...unfortunately I can't say the same for Parker. She is intensely observing every move with him (the herding instinct). I think once she gets accustomed to his strange garbled noises, things will settle down.
We can't thank all of our family and friends enough for your support over the past 5 weeks. Even if we didn't reply, your phone calls and emails have lifted our spirits and made us realize we weren't going through this alone. I'm sorry we've been totally engrossed in our own lives and perhaps neglected and missed other important events in your lives, but we are on the rebound. Having a newborn home will be demanding, but we feel we have our own lives back. If I miss blogging, perhaps I'll start a new one, but for now, I'm signing off. I hope everyone has a happy, healthy, and fun summer!
Foster has a new blog...http://fosterlittle.blogspot.com
10-4, Little fam! Enjoy your first days (and nights, which are more trying)! We love you!
ReplyDeleteOver and out,
Wow guys! Congrats- I'm so happy Foster is home!!! He is beautiful and I can't wait to meet him!
ReplyDeleteMuch love from me and Ketzie
Yeah! I haven't been following much, but I've been thinking of you both. Love the photos. Chris, he has your hairline!
ReplyDeleteEnjoy the time at home. It's amazing how babies are so fragile...fragile...fragile and then BAM all grown up. Ehren just started crawling all of a sudden on July 5th. We're in trouble. Just think...~8 months away! Okay...way too long for a blog post, but I'm clueless about blogs.
ciao! Rachael M.