Today is the day that Foster got his NG tube pulled! I had a great picture of his tube-free face, but then proceeded to drop the camera on the NICU floor. They didn't make me throw it out (see previous post on the strict floor-drop policy); however, it appears to have some serious lens damage and refuses to power up. So, we're stuck with old pictures, probably for the remaining life of this blog. We've had bad luck with this camera...when Foster was born, we had lost the battery charger and had to rely on my mom's camera when she came to visit. Now, Foster is about to come home and we are camera-less again. I should probably make it a priority to find a camera shop today. I'm just having one of those classic "Liz" days...I dropped the camera, then I dropped my reusable grocery bags in a puddle before going into the grocery store, and then once in the grocery store, I plowed over a whole display of baby belle cheese. Who decides to put 40 boxes of cheese on a flimsy cardboard display in the middle of a busy grocery store isle? But back to Foster...he reached 6 lbs 1 ounce last night and is downing his bottles and putting in some serious breast feeding efforts. He had an eye exam yesterday, since preemies can develop a retinopathy of prematurity (ROP), but his retinas were still too immature to assess. Therefore, the exam will get repeated in 3 weeks. It looks pretty promising that he'll be an outpatient at that point.
Even if it is an old picture he is still the cutest little patootie out there! Hope today is another smooth one for the Little man (and you too, Liz).
Laura and Halsey