Today Foster is 4 weeks old. In some respects, the past 4 weeks have flown by...he has grown before our eyes (he is expected to reach 6lbs tonight) and it is hard to picture him as fragile as he was at the beginning. But, for the most part, his birth seems like ages ago. The NICU will (hopefully) soon be a thing of our past, but it has been a long 4 weeks of painfully cautious optimism. Foster has made rapid progress and passed every milestone quickly, but we have always had to temper our excitement and anticipation in case of unexpected setbacks. Just when he seemed to make a leap, the doctors would remind us of all the threats still out there. Even though he is doing incredibly well this week (he ate all of his feedings overnight and nursed a full feeding this morning) and there is much talk of him going home next week, it is hard to get our hopes up until he is in the car with us as we cross the bridge from NJ into PA. So, I am elated he is slated to come home, yet also terrified of a setback at this point, when it is least expected. Everyone keep their fingers crossed that the next 4-5 days go by smoothly and he is home by the end of next week!
(Cautiously speaking) It all sounds good and Foster looks very strong!