Last night Foster was too sleepy to nurse, but we will try again today. He is now 4lbs 13... we can't wait until the 5 lb mark! Just when we think he is looking big, he gets a big neighbor (i.e. 7lbs) who dwarfs him. Or we take a picture like this one of him in my arms, and realize how tiny he is (excuse our clashing outfits and my "deer in the headlights" look). Since he is relatively long, he is fitting into newborn and 3 month clothes, albeit with the sleeves rolled up and some looseness around the belly. It's amazing, since he will only be 33 weeks tomorrow. Although we can bring clothes in for him, they have plenty on reserve. The NICU has a strict "floor drop" policy....ANYTHING that drops on the floor gets thrown out...i.e. knit hats, pacifiers, blankets, clothes, etc. It seems extremely wasteful, but I understand the reasoning around these immune-suppressed babies. Last night I unfortunately dropped the hat I knit for him, but I quickly stashed it away in my purse for posterity sake.