Happy Father's day to Chris and all the dads out there who are following this blog. We are happy that Foster arrived early enough to celebrate with us this year! He got dressed up in a special outfit for the occasion (I couldn't resist the urge to buy it) and seemed particularly happy to be in dad's arms this morning. The best present will be him coming home this week. He is up to 60mls for each feeding and is eating like a champ. Last night he tipped the scales at 6 lbs 4.5 ounces and he is really starting to look and feel like a real baby...less fragile and much stronger! Diaper changes are getting a little more challenging with his strong kicking. He seems to "perform" each time we attempt to change it, and you never know where it is going to end up. The joy of a boy!

Foster is going to have his car seat test this afternoon which entails an hour and a half period where he is monitored to make sure his head doesn't flop forward causing him to have periods of apnea. After that test, the only remaining hurdle is the 12 hour pneumogram, during which he is intensely monitored (even more machinery hooked up to him) to record respiratory activity, apneic events, and cyanotic
episodes. Since the NICU is very busy right now, there is a queue for this test (there is only one machine), but he will likely move to the top of the list tomorrow or Tuesday. We can't wait to get this little dude home!
(yes, I bought a new camera...how could I not have one for Father's Day and for his homecoming???)
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