Since I'm back to work this week, the blog updates will likely come in the evening. Last night we decided to swaddle Foster instead of kangaroo care...just to get some more eye-to-eye contact while he was awake. As you can see, it didn't last long before he was sound asleep in Chris's arms. Last night he was up to 2000 grams....exceeding his birthweight by 10 grams...yippee! At this rate, he should keep on gaining, barring any major complications (such as necrotizing enterocolitis, another serious concern in preemies, but I won't even discuss it unless it happens). Today, Chris and I split shifts...Chris went early am and I went at lunch. We'll both go together tonight. Chris did kangaroo care for a while, but when I went, Foster was sound asleep, so I didn't wake him. Before I left he started to stir a bit and seemed to be waking up...probably because of his dirty diaper. Although Foster's bilirubin went up a little, they still kept him off the lights, assuming his liver will gradually metabolize the excess. He will be off TPN (IV food) at midnight tonight and after 24 hours, they will remove the PICC line (central catheter) since he will be on 100% breast milk. That will be a relief, since PICC line infection is a major concern.
thanks for the updates--sounds like foster is doing great! thinking of you all
thinking of you guys and really glad for the updates and the pics (i espeially love the one of foster and chris both in shades, and the ice-cream cup turned baseball cap). sending you all lots of love,