We finally captured a "smile" (i.e. gas) on film today...I like to think Foster is happy because he is off IV nutrition and got his central catheter out this morning. That means he can get bundled up in real clothes and put in a bassinet to see if he can thermoregulate on his own. It was fun to dress him for the first time, although he is still hooked up to a few monitoring machines, so weaving the lines through the clothes took some maneuvering. He is getting all of his breast milk through the nasal-gastric tube, but they offer the first bottle between 32 and 34 weeks...so it could be anytime that he seems ready. We'll just have to be patient and wait until the doctor makes that call. His weight last night was 4 lbs 7.5 ounces, a gain of 80 grams. He seems to be filling out more, with pudgier cheeks and thighs!
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