Saturday, June 13, 2009

Save the Gonads

There is not much to report today, except that Foster is doing well with his 4x-a-day oral feeding. He is taking almost the full serving each time. This morning he got almost all (44 of 47 ccs) from nursing alone. If he keeps this up he'll be home in no time! He is now 5lbs 6ounces. The nurses swear he is a very "happy" baby and rarely cries. They also warned us he is probably saving it up for when he gets home!
I was saving the below picture for a slow hangs by his bed. You can speculate about its purpose (and it has nothing to do with circumcision).


  1. great to see the little guy growing and thriving! i love this week's fashion show. thinking of you all. lots of love,

  2. Save the gonads? What in the bloody hell???
