Foster is still doing well today...but nothing much new to report. Whereas he used to be under three different types of lights for his bilirubin, he is now under one. His bilirubin held steady at 8, which means his liver is metabolizing some of it, despite the removal of some of the lights. Since he is now off the CPAP, he was moved from an open bed to an isolette (think incubator), which decreases the risk of infection and is quieter. It makes diaper changes a little more challenging, but I'm sure he'll sleep more soundly.
We've had lots of inquires about Foster's name and we come up with a new story everyday. Ironically, at the celebratory dinner with the grandparents last night, the first dessert on the menu was Banana Foster. Truth is, he isn't named after a dessert, a beer, or a small town in Missouri. If he was named after a beer, it would be Guiness or Sierra Nevada, not a crappy Australian beer. I happened across Foster as a surname, and liked it as first name. Since we have aspirations of him being an outdoorsy mountain man, it is also a derivation of Forrest. By definition, Foster means to "promote the growth of" or "to care for or cherish", both which fit his situation right now. We need him to grow, grow, grow!
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